Oftentimes, we’ll see multiple pieces of real estate that are situated in different states. We’re also challenged with placing a value on professional practices in businesses. Executives oftentimes receive deferred compensation or stock bonuses, which have to be discounted to the present day value. We also see unique investments such as assets that have been…

A business valuator will use one of three approaches. The first approach is the asset approach where the total assets of the business will be totaled up, and the total liabilities of the business will be subtracted out to arrive at the value. The second approach is the income approach where the business valuator will…

They’re valued at a certain place and time. That which is determined by the trier effect. Usually it is at the date of filing of the dissolution proceeding. We can also view if there’s been a long separation prior to filing. We can use the date of separation as the date of valuation. Likewise, the…

Yes, and that is the manner in which we prefer to do so. We always like to maintain control of the outcome of the case. We don’t want to place the decision-making responsibility in the hands of a third party. Nobody is ever satisfied with the outcome. It’s much easier to implement something, even if…