There is an old saying that if you want a job done well, you ought to do it yourself. Avoid this line of thinking when it comes to filing for bankruptcy. When you file for bankruptcy without an attorney, you are ultimately going it alone. In legal terms, filing for bankruptcy on your own is…

One of the most crucial determinations to make for your Florida bankruptcy pertains to choosing the ideal bankruptcy chapter that is best for your needs and unique situation. As always, a Florida bankruptcy attorney will give you the specific advice you need, but here are a few general rules that provide a rough outline of…

In any Florida bankruptcy, the endgame is a discharging of your debt. A discharge of debt only occurs when a judge signs a court order that proclaims you are free of the obligation to pay the dischargeable debt. Additionally, a discharge of debt frees the Florida debtor from creditors attempting to collect the discharged debt…

Florida bankruptcy is a trying and stressful ordeal, but this Guide to Filing for Bankruptcy in Florida ought to demystify much of the bankruptcy process. Here are a few of the key elements of bankruptcy to keep in mind. Paperwork Needed for a Florida Bankruptcy Before the bankruptcy process begins in earnest, debtors must gather…

In light of the Powerball drawing that resulted in three Powerball winners splitting a record jackpot worth $1.6 billion, it can be easy to think that these people will soon be living the dream. Evidence suggests the opposite may be in the cards for these Powerball winners. Many people heard about the low odds of…

No one wants to hear the words “We find the defendant guilty!” in a court room, but it happens to hundreds of people every day. And when that life-changing even occurs, a person might have a few days or weeks to adjust, or he may get put into handcuffs and incarcerated that very day. In…

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