Florida Father Continues to Raise Awareness After Daughter's Death

How can a family possibly move on after losing a loved on to a drunk driving tragedy?

If you are like Bill DeMott, you use it to raise awareness and prevent drunk driving in your local Florida community.

After Mr. DeMott’s daughter, Keri Anne DeMott, passed away in a drunk driving incident on October 2015, the DeMott family was devastated. The accident occurred when a drunk driver drove his car into Keri’s vehicle with a blood-alcohol level of .132, more than 50 percent over the legal limit in Florida. While the drunk driver received 15 years for his actions, Bill DeMott didn’t let the story end there.

Since the accident, he has started a crusade to raise awareness about drunk driving laws in Florida. Mr. DeMott cautions that Florida’s DUI laws are dangerously out of date and allow four or five-time DUI offenders to continue driving. Indeed, Keri DeMott’s life ended prematurely because a multiple DUI offender crashed into his daughter’s vehicle.

Additionally, DeMott advocates for mandatory ignition interlock devices (IIDs) for all DUI convictions. While interlock devices may be required as part of a DUI conviction, it is not legally required by Florida law. Mr. DeMott is hoping his advocacy will change this reality, claiming that all of his work to raise awareness and change Florida law is for his deceased daughter.

This Case Highlights the Importance of Choosing a Good DUI Defense Lawyer

While this story is a painful lesson against the risks of drunk driving, it also serves as a cautionary tale for any would-be drunk driver. The drunk driver in question is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence. Anyone arrested on drunk driving charges needs a Florida DUI defense lawyer who uses every legal means to get a client’s DUI charges dismissed. When a defendant’s guilt is clear, a DUI defense lawyer is needed more than ever. When guilt is not in doubt, an experienced defense attorney works to have any and all DUI charges dismissed.

In the most recent year of DUI data on record (according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving), 40,677 DUI arrests and 26,291 DUI convictions were recorded in the state of Florida. Additionally, 113,076 drunk drivers were 3 time offenders, not unlike the multiple DUI offender in the DeMott case.

Multiple DUI offenders receive harsher punishments and penalties than a first-time offender if convicted. Any driver in Florida convicted of a third DUI within 10 years who commits a Third Degree Felony may be punished by 5 years of imprisonment. Further, a third conviction results in a mandatory punishment of at least 30 days in prison, regardless of whether a felony is committed.

John F. Greene is a Destin DUI attorney who understands that the emotions and the stakes are high when defendants are charged with DUI-related offenses. That is why he uses every legal means at his disposal to have his client’s DUI charges reduced and/or dismissed.

From his Destin office, John represents DUI defendants in Destin and defendants throughout the Emerald Coast and Northwest Florida, including Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Bay Counties. Additionally, he represents DUI defendants in the Niceville, Santa Rosa Beach, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City and Destin communities.

Receive the DUI defense you need and contact John F. Greene or call 850-424-6833 for a legal consultation with a DUI defense attorney who cares.


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